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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 12/05/2024.

Wildlife Photography


Pine martens are protected by law

In the interest and welfare of the pine martens we ask our guests not to disturb them whilst they are feeding

Please feel free to take photographs from indoors through the viewing window or from the back door

It is strictly forbidden for hides of any sort to be erected outside the cottage and surrounding areas

It is not permitted to use studio lighting as it could damage the cottage electrics

If you wish to carry out any external pine marten photography please contact Will or Sue to ask permission first and to discuss our code of conduct

We will not be held responsible for any damage to your equipment

You will be held responsible for any damage to the property

Under no circumstances are photography workshops allowed unless by prior arrangement 


The primary aim of our policy is to protect the pine martens. Many thanks for your co-operation.


Will and Sue Snow




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